Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Meatless Month

I have wanted to commit to being a vegetarian for as long as I can remember, and after gradually cutting down on meat for the last year, I have finally chosen the month of August to be completely meat free! I don't know if it's in my head, but I honestly feel happier after only six days. I was also inspired to hear my cousin became a vegetarian this spring... only more incentive. Here are some highlights from my first week as a veg girl.  

Homemade Bread
A Loaf of Karl's Bread
I started the week with an amazing loaf of homemade bread featuring sunflower seeds by my friend Karl.
Potato Salad
Potato Salad in a bowl made by Mari ;)
A side of this yummy potato salad makes everything better! To make your own, boil five or six small red potatoes and let cool. Dice them up with the skin on, and toss with white vinegar, spicy mustard, olive oil, dill and salt and pepper.

Vegetarian Sandwich
Yummy Veggie Sandwich
I honestly forgot all about cold cuts, after trying this sandwich Sunday night! Simply toss half a sliced avocado with a little olive oil and salt and pepper and add to a toasted bagel with lettuce, sliced onion and spicy red pepper hummus spread. Delicious!!!

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